EDL Admin/Support was hi-jacked a month or so ago, by Hell Gower, BNP, bully, liar and condom filled with faeces, threw out head and took
control with two others.
"Aeneas" and "Nemesis" are neo-nazis who compare Jews to mozlems, and quote holocaust-denial, Zionist-conspiracy websites.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
EDL Hi-Jacked: Part 6 EDL forum.
Speaks for itself!!
Keep going, turgid scum!
The nazis constant obsession with Jews: I know we are great, now get on with your pathetic little lives.
MJ from the forum is Regan Hamilton, a fucking nazi wanker who created the first jewish division on fb,and when the jews got loads of attention he deleted the page. He was supposed to have been kicked out of the admin a few weeks ago. obviously the wank stain is still there.
MJ from the forum is Regan Hamilton, a fucking nazi wanker who created the first jewish division on fb,and when the jews got loads of attention he deleted the page. He was supposed to have been kicked out of the admin a few weeks ago. obviously the wank stain is still there.