Friday, 18 March 2011

Brian of London: What the F*ck is He??

Brian of London loves to spin the tale that he is a Londoner who went to live in Israel because he wanted to help Israel by being there. Then he gets onto the EDL forum(...)  and gets involved in an English islam-fighting organisation. Why leave if he was so keen to help? Because he is doing NOTHING to further Israel's interests; on the contrary, he is attacking Jews and Israel in this badly written piece he wrote for EDL website. His post, Murder Most Foul, Reaction Worse, mentioning the murders of an Israeli family in Itamar and complaining of the lack of media attention to the horror. But where is his evidence? He is too busy waffling to bother with that!
But here he himself is actually telling his audience: "... in general there is far to much about Israel in the news in the UK."  He is either medically confused or a practised liar!!  No doubt he considers this a good thing.
But the point is, Brian of London is an ATTACKER and DISPARAGER of Israel.
No one knows who this creature is, neither the EDL Admin who have picked this person from the EDL forum and given him a position in the Admin on the basis of what he says. Maybe that is why they like him: he is actually ANTI-Israel.
Brian of London or Gadget Doctor BoL, who likes to tweet: I'm in the Tel Aviv Hilton!",  "I'm in Las Vegas!!".
He is a fraud either way: an attention-seeking lefty anti-Zionist!
Read the whole thing here:

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

EDL English Defence Leaks: Hell Gower Part 2

Hell Gower and her Combat 18 friend. Naturally he has hidden his friend list and she has done the same! But that changes nothing! We are dealing with the lowest of the low here!!

Refer to main Hell Gower page.

EDL Hi-Jacked Part 10. EDL Forum continued: Pots and Kettles!!

One of the highly educated members of the forum.
Six foot five inches of piss
Another  2 BNP brain cells!
....there goes another cell...
Before the Jewish lot even knew about the co-operation with JDL, Tommy Robinson was giving a speech to their Canadian branch: f#ckwits!! And Aeneas was happily networking with JTF, despite his denials and excuses!

EDL Hi-jacked part 9; "Nath Laitho" Liar and Hypocrite!

"Nath Laitho" and Steph Carless:  careless, more like!!

Jory Roe is an American nazi.
"Nath Laitho" goes on to say, further down, how he is not a racist!!!
EDL Twitter page: MarmiteMan4 "hates zionists". Bet he doesn't even know what zionism is and has surely NEVER met one! Dickhead!! Does 4 stand for brain cells??

Nath Laitho Facebook page

EDL leaks part 8: Norway: 'Norwegian Defence League taken over by neo-Nazis'. Message to Remi!

On Facebook, different NDL groups have 500 members, and the group's leaders claim they have over 600 supporters in Norway. Many are young men in their 20s, inspired by the "English defence league" in the UK.

"NDL profiles itself as a legal political movement, but as we see from the UK, the boundaries are fluid. It oftens ends in violent confrontations with those holding the opposite opinion," PST department head Jon Fitje told Dagbladet.

Remi Huseby (22), from Haugesund, who presented himself as the group's spokesperson last month, has received much attention from the media and anti-fascist groups. Last week he was kicked out of the Transport Workers Union due to his position.

After PST named the NDL yesterday, he had enough.

In an SMS to Dagbladet Huseby announced he's resigning from the organization: " I Hereby confirm that I'm leaving the NDL because the NDL has been taken over by neo-Nazis".
Postscript: message to Remi Huseby, sincere commiserations re above. YOU are not tainted as you left the rotting hulk! Don't give up, join something like SIOE, a legitimate group who have achieved great things!

Monday, 28 February 2011

EDL Admin Hi-Jacked: Hell Gower

The EDL admin/support was created and nurtured by a decent, hardworking, idealistic young man. He was pestered and pestered by Hell Gower, already "head" of EDL Kent division and nor renowned for her activity.
Eventually Hell was allowed in. She nominated herself: PA to Tommy Robinson, or as she has printed on her hoodie, "PA to the Stars".

Who exactly is "running" edl??

She then threw the founder of the admin out. Clearly she did not do this by herself. She already had a dislike for the leader of the Jewish Division - whom she had NEVER met, and wasted no time in attacking her, both to the Expose Racism group, who, acccording to their blurb, were busy exposing racism in the EDL, and to the Muslim Defence League, all on Facebook.
Why no comment, Hell?

Hell Gower took over a well-organised group: she has not organised or created anything. She took over the admin in a parasitic manner. She calls herself PA but she has no idea what that entails. She loves power and anyone who does not kiss her fat arse, she considers a threat to her position. Paranoid is not the word.

Then she and her neo-nazi cohorts, "Aeneas" and "Nemesis", threw the members of Jewish Division off the research group. Although there were altogether, at least 17 individuals left in the EDL admin, Hell had to advertise for more researchers.

She is a bully who cannot stand any criticism, operates in a totally undemocratic way, despite calling the JTF and the JDL, and wastes no time in smearing and attacking the opponents she has created.

EXPOSE is "exposing racism and intolerance online XXI (EDL)" Talk about pots and kettles!

Hel pit bull?? Never!!
That is the least of your problems!
Herr Gower still smearing and attacking someone she has never met, someone who has never been even rude to EleG! The lies and hypocrisy of this lump of ordure is quite... gaddafian!!
My people love me! We do not associate with extremists!! Ha!!
People who wish to create their own local divisions, as it is expensive to travel across the county/country, are forbidden to do so and everyone must adhere to the Code of Conduct, which is an insulting load of hypocritical mumbo-jumbo.
National socialists commiserating!!!

Saturday, 26 February 2011

EDL Hi-Jacked: Part 7, EDL forum.

EDL Hi-Jacked: Part 6 EDL forum.

Speaks for itself!!
Keep going, turgid scum!

The nazis constant obsession with Jews: I know we are great, now get on with your pathetic little lives.

EDL Hi-Jacked: Part 5

Hell Gower and her national socialist mates at Expose. Commiserating over - you got it!!

Hell Gower and Lucy Burtenshaw agree! The subject? I'll let you guess!!

Let's all share a brain cell shall we?

These are meant to be an anti-racist group? They are a bunch of nazis!
The freak "Kasai Seki" talks of keeping the Jews out of Europe.
What a charming bunch!!

EDL Hi-Jacked: Part 4

Donna Mortimer, BF of the Big Cheese, Hell Gower, having cosy chat with mozzies about... their obsession with... the Jooos!!

Hey! Let's all get together, EDL and MDL: we both want the same thing!...

The hypocrites of the MDL: they support the freeing of terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, who gunned down US personnel in Afghanistan.
Well done, the brain-deads of the great EDL!!

Alex Singer, nom de plume of Sarah Hully, EDL admin and BF of EDL big cheese Hell Gower, having a nice chat with Darcy Jones, her other half  opposite number at Expose whatever.

EDL Hi-Jacked: Part 3

Chechnyan Wolf of MDL awaiting EDL submission...

EDL appease their mozlem buddies!!

Expose Racism lefties, mozlems and EDL join ranks to attack Jews: how cosy!! This is on the Expose Racism page.

More crawling, appeasement and apologies from EDL: pass the sick bag!!

EDL Hi-Jacked: Part 2

Here we have the classic two-faced EDL- er, crawling up the back passage of his sworn enemy,the admin at the  Mozlem Defence League: nice to be able to commiserate over the evil Joooos!!

List of MDL Admin.

MDL throw down gauntlet to EDL: get rid of Jews!!

EDL Hi-Jacked: Part 1

Here we have the classic "people 'misunderstand' the BNP" comment. Not a lot different from the mozlem who
complains the kuffar 'misunderstand' izlam!

If you read that the EDL have nothing against Jews and really support Israel, check out the next posts!!